Here we go again for things to do in Swaledale in September and I suspect it’s going to be a busy one!
First up on Sunday 1st September we have the Moorcock Show which is very sheep focussed with many breeds up for judging. Plenty of stalls to have a look around with lots of local produce to buy. Music and refreshments also on offer. Entry is £5 and a free car park.
Moorcock Show 2019 Image courtesy of
Continuing on from the Wensleydale and Reeth shows next up is the Muker Show which amazingly is the 114th show and this year is on Wednesday 4th September 2019. Entry is £7 and dogs are ok but must be kept on a lead and not allowed near the sheep pens. There is a lot on with sheep competitions, fancy dress, working dog judging and not forgetting the fell runs, if I didn’t have a dodgy knee I would have entered! Brass bands, food and community signing outside the Farmers Arms will round off the day.
Buy tickets here for £11, under 16’s go free. It’s about an hour’s drive from Swale View.
Muker Show 2019 Image courtesy of
Ooh, here is something right up my street. On the 8th September there is a guided walk around Crackpot Hall, Swinnergill & Arngill. Approximately 5.5miles with some trick walking so not for the faint hearted. But is sounds great and I am gutted I am not going to be able to make this. Contact the Keld Resource Centre for more information or book here.
Don’t forget the Yorkshire Dales Cheese Festival which runs from the 14th to 22nd of September at various locations starting off at the Wensleydale Creamery. More information on out cheese festival page.
Final event is another show which is the Nidderdale Show taking place on the 23rd September. Held in the grounds of Bewerley Park, Pateley Bridge this has all the ingredients of a fine show including dog, livestock and horse classes. And don’t forget dry stone walling, goats, fur and leather and handicrafts. Wow, busy old show! There is a lot else besides all of this including working horses, a funfair, forestry exhibitions, trade stands and a cricket match. Owzat!
Tickets £11 in advance and £12.50 on the day, unders 16’s free as is the car parking.
Old shot of the Nidderdale Show courtesy of
So there you are, a few things to do near and afar for you in Swaledale in September. have fun and enjoy the shows and events. And if you have an event to add just email us