Things to do in Swaledale in August
I can’t believe that it’s almost August, whatever happened to July? So for those who are in and around Swaledale in August here are a few things for you to do if you have some free time.
First up and pride of place has to be the annual Reeth Show. And I can’t believe I may miss it but there you go. Held on August Bank Holiday this year it is on Monday the 26th August and is located just before Reeth Bridge as you enter the village from Fremington.
Lots to do and see as with any agricultural show including sheep shows, horse displays, dr walling demonstrations, dog shows, handicrafts and photography. And of course lots to eat and drink with plenty of entertainment provided for all the family. A must attend event if you are in the area..
Photo credit from
Yorkshire Day is celebrated on the 1st of August and you can take part in sampling local produce at the Reeth National Park Centre which is not surprisingly in Reeth, top end to the left of the of the Black Bull Pub. I once got a parking ticket near there so beware!
Old Gang Mines walk (3.5 miles/5.5km) and tour with local experts of the mills and lead mining industry - this only just up the road from Swale View, about 25 minutes walk or 5 minute drive. Book at the National Parks Centre in Reeth and is 1.30pm to 4.30pm on 4 August.
Old Gang Mines at Surrender Bridge
And don’t forget our pages here on what to do in Swaledale for your more regular round the year activities for the family.